Opening our hearts to the citizens we serve with compassionate care & immediate response.

Mobile Intensive Care Units (9)
(6) Wheel Coach Type III Light Duty Ambulances (3) Road Rescue Type III Light Duty Ambulances
These units are all configured with medical equipment onboard, including life saving drugs, monitors, and stabilizers,

Fire Apparatus (4)
A fire engine responds to both medical and fire calls. The engine carries water and hose for fighting fires. It is also like a big toolbox used on all scenes. Some tools are for accessing water, such as spanner wrenches and hydrant wrenches. Other tools are pike poles (for pulling ceilings), axes, saws, and hand tools. Each engine has air packs called Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), which allow firefighters to breath clean air inside a fire. The engine also carries medical equipment.

Brush Truck (4)
The main purpose of this emergency vehicle is for fighting brush and grass fires. It is equipped with a tank, pump, and rubber hose mounted in the bed. They can drive and pump at the same time, something engines cannot do. Brush trucks can also serve as medical trucks, responding to medical emergencies in the area.

Tender (3)
Tenders are used to carry large amounts of water. Our vehicles have a 1,500 to 3,000 gallon capacity vehicle to lend support in areas of our rural district where the number of fire hydrants is limited Where fire hydrant systems aren't available, multiple tankers form a relay, pumping water out of a lake or pond and transporting it, then dumping it into a tank or feeding an engine with it at the fire scene.